Digital Course in Inclusion and Diversity

The course provides inspiration on how you can actively support inclusion and diversity
in your daily work. This way, you can contribute to creating an attractive workplace
where everyone feels at home and a workplace that creates the most value
now and in the future.

A Workplace for everyone

Inclusion and diversity enrich society by bringing together different people with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities. It promotes tolerance, mutual understanding, and opens doors to innovation and growth. That’s precisely why we’ve created this course, as we have a mission for more Danish companies to educate their employees on inclusion and diversity.

The course is developed by Living Institute and produced by Conzentrate A/S.

If you would like to learn more about the course or what else we can offer, you can use the contact form by clicking here.


Digital Standard Courses

Would you like to educate your employees in Diversity and Inclusion?

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