In collaboration with PwC, we offer a GDPR course as part of our standard courses here at Conzentrate.

This GDPR course is an e-learning course consisting of 5 packages with a total of 22 modules,
available in Danish, English, Dutch, and French.

Course on GDPR

May 25, 2018, it caused considerable confusion for many on how to comply, as all businesses were required to adhere to the new GDPR rules from that date. GDPR aims to strengthen the protection of personal data, and in this digital GDPR course, which we offer in collaboration with PwC, we introduce organizations and employees to how GDPR should be handled and understood.




Course Content

This GDPR course consists of 22 modules, which are available in Danish, English, Dutch, and French. The 22 modules are divided into 5 different ‘packages’, which can be used by an entire organisation or individually for different departments and groups of employees. The course is a blend of ready knowledge and tests, ensuring that organisations ensure that employees understand the content and can apply it in practice.

The modules include an introduction to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the definition of personal data, and how to process it. Additionally, they provide insight into consent, the right to access, rectification, data portability, and much more.


Digital Standard Courses

Digital courses in GDPR for your employee training!

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