Learn to set SMART goals by applying the SMART model in your daily workflow.
In our e-learning course on the SMART model, organisations and employees gain insight
into what the model entails and how to set SMART goals that yield results.

We get further when we set goals to achieve. Without a goal, it’s hard to score. Therefore, SMART goals, or the SMART model, are valuable and effective tools for enhancing motivation. Not familiar with the SMART model? Then you have the opportunity to learn more about it here. We offer an e-learning course on SMART goals as part of our standard courses at Conzentrate. In the course, organisations gain insight into the definition of SMART as well as the competencies and skills to apply the model in practice.


Specific – What do you want to achieve?
Measurable – When is the goal fulfilled?
Attractive – What is your motivation for reaching the goal?
Realistic – What resources are required to reach the goal?
Time-bound – When is your deadline?

Course Content

Our SMART goal course is an e-learning course consisting of multiple modules, which is a combination of pre-existing knowledge and tests. This combination helps create a learning method that ensures organisations that all employees who complete the course have understood the content and can apply it in practice.


Digital Standard Courses

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