When Conzentrate partnered with JobHelp Solutions in 2019, they were a completely new player in the field of career guidance and the Danish employment sector. They had a clear vision: They wanted to streamline the way unemployed job seekers are activated. Just 3 years later, in 2022, JobHelp Solutions delivers digital career guidance to educational institutions, unemployment insurance funds, and job centers across the country.
JobHelp Solutions was founded by Daniel Myrup and Rikke Nyhauge in 2019 after many years of experience in career guidance and the employment sector. The idea for JobHelp Solutions arose from a common ambition to supplement physical career guidance with digital learning, thereby allowing job seekers to access preparatory materials before attending job centers.
With this idea in mind, JobHelp Solutions began producing digital learning content, and when the first partnership agreements were secured, they began their search for a provider of a digital learning platform that they could offer as part of their services. They wanted to find a provider that could deliver a stable system and function as a close collaborator. For JobHelp Solutions, it was important to find an LMS that could serve as an overarching portal with multiple entrances for the various job centers, unemployment insurance funds, and educational institutions. With a solution like this, the platform could be customized based on each customer’s brand and tailored with content that is relevant and targeted to their audiences. As a startup company, the price was also crucial in choosing a provider, and it was important to find an LMS that matched their budget without compromising on the platform’s requirements. JobHelp Solutions chose Conzentrate as a partner because our LMS, Learning Arena, met their requirements.
“At Conzentrate, we haven’t just purchased an LMS. We have bought into a partnership where there is not far from demand to solution.”
– Daniel Myrup, Owner of JobHelp Solutions
The whole idea of offering a platform as part of their services arose because they wanted to give job seekers the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that are useful for their unemployment and job search, whenever and wherever it fits into each job seeker’s life. Daniel and Rikke’s many years of experience as career advisors have taught them that when only physical courses, workshops, and career counseling exist, there will always be citizens who are prevented from participating, and there is a risk that job seekers will forget what they have learned. With the digital guidance produced by JobHelp Solutions, job seekers have the opportunity to access the platform 24/7 and go through the learning content available to them as many times as they need.
A platform with different portals
With over half of the 10 largest municipalities in Denmark, JobHelp Solutions provides services to a total of 18 job centers across the country. Each job center has its own unique portal that matches its brand and needs. At Conzentrate, we have created a platform that allows JobHelp Solutions to manage all their clients’ platforms via one overarching platform. With this solution, it is easy to upload content that matches each client’s orders of content based on their needs and target groups. The content varies not only by customer segment but also from job center to job center. Some job centers deal with more target groups than others. These may include target groups such as recent graduates, skilled workers, welfare recipients, and the like. JobHelp Solutions produces content that suits their clients’ target groups, and with a solution like this, they can easily and clearly handle which content should be uploaded to each client’s platform.