Danish Association of Real Estate Agents

How do you ensure that 95% of the Danish real estate agent industry achieves a common understanding of ‘Ethics & Conduct’ within a relatively short deadline?


‘Ethics & Behavior’ at Danish Association of Real Estate Agents

The Danish Association of Real Estate Agents (DE) is a trade organisation representing approximately 95% of Denmark’s real estate agents. Among providing professional advice, advocating for political interests, and much more, DE also operates a training business. Here, DE is responsible for the continuing education of its members’ staff. With such a large percentage of the country’s real estate agents as their membership group, it’s not always easy to roll out physically present courses nationwide. Therefore, e-learning is a focus at DE.

Even though DE operates its own training business, producing both physical and digital courses, they still saw a need to seek external assistance when they needed to develop a new course on a new ethical code. This course needed to be rolled out to all their members within a relatively short deadline. For DE, which has its own team of learning consultants and graphic designers, developing this course was resource-intensive. In DE’s search for a partner to develop this course, it was important for them that the budget allocated for course production and the deadline were met. Based on this, they chose Conzentrate.


“From Conzentrate, we got a product that actually matched the invoice that was sent afterward, while still meeting the deadline.”

 – Bettina Brun Buch Larsen, Learning Consultant at the Danish Association of Real Estate Agents


From concept to final product

We initiated a collaboration where DE formulated the legal content for the course themselves. Our task was to further develop a script and a visually appealing design that matched the course content and the seriousness of the subject matter. To achieve the best result, we conducted a focus group test early in the process. This focus group test was intended to give us insight into who the target audience was and how they perceived the content and expression of the course. A design process is lengthy. And even though you start with an initial concept, it’s important to consider the possibilities for changes along the way to achieve the most ideal end product. A final product that meets both the customer’s and the users’ needs. This was an important factor for DE when they chose us as a partner.


“In collaboration with Conzentrate, there has been ongoing dialogue and a clear understanding of the product. It requires a pragmatic approach throughout to understand the challenges we face. And Conzentrate has had that pragmatic approach.”

 – Bettina Brun Buch Larsen, Learning Consultant at the Danish Association of Real Estate Agents


The visual expression is crucial

We have created a professional visual expression and academic content for 2 of DE’s target groups; residential real estate agents and commercial real estate agents. Overall, the topic was ‘Ethics & Behavior’, and the cases and academic content of the course were the same. However, the visual expression was important in this situation to accurately target the audience. This involved, for example, illustrating businesses for commercial real estate agents instead of houses, which were illustrated for residential real estate agents, to appeal to the audience in the best possible way.

The ‘Ethics & Behavior’ course, which we have created in collaboration with DE, aims to educate and further educate real estate agents on ethics and behavior in the industry, and how to act professionally as a real estate agent. The course has been introduced as a mandatory course at DE. A course that all existing and new real estate agents must undergo to have customer contact. Although DE is an organization that deals with both physically present training and digital learning – and blended learning, which is a combination of these – the opportunities with digital learning are clearly seen in this product we have created together. With digital learning, DE has the opportunity to offer its members a certain flexibility, where they themselves decide when participation and completion of a course fit into the busy everyday life of a real estate agent.


“The advantage of digital learning, for us, is that we can more easily reach all our members quickly. We create flexibility for our members, and they can decide for themselves when a course fits into their everyday life.”

 – Bettina Brun Buch Larsen, Learning Consultant at the Danish Association of Real Estate Agents


And that is precisely what digital learning can do. In our collaboration with DE, we have had close dialogue throughout the process. Our constant focus on the needs of the target group in the initial phase, during the process, and after the product has been developed, is reflected in the final product we have developed through this collaboration. Based on the final product, DE has conducted an internal survey focusing on members’ experiences with the learning material. Here, the satisfaction among the target group is extremely high with an overall satisfaction rate of 93.8%. A result that we are proud of. In collaboration, we value good communication with our partners highly. And we are confident that the good, constructive, and positive dialogue, as well as close collaboration with DE throughout, is what has created an e-learning course to be used by 95% of the country’s real estate agents for further education.

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